my approach

Leadership is a practice that can’t be gained simply by reading a book. Theory is important, but ultimately action defines the leader you are. 

Leading is a complex and multi-faceted job with competing demands and pressures – especially in a rapidly changing, dynamic world.

Because the skills of leadership evolve in each of us over a long period of time, they become tacit i.e. unconscious or ‘default’. These tacit behaviours can serve you well and can also shoot you in the foot. When the context changes your old defaults may no longer work.

My work will lead you to


on tacit skills, behaviours, thoughts and values

make choices about different ways to lead in different situations

observe the impact, adjust and integrate new skills

FIND OUT MORE about me



Through this process, you feel supported and ready. You gain clarity and self-awareness which enables you to build trust and connect with others. You learn to operate in ways that are more considered, more strategic and more focused.

“Reflect, refine, reintegrate” is at the heart of how I work with leaders and teams to grow and thrive.

"Lisa provided gentle but clear direction in her coaching. She assists people to identify for themselves barriers to them achieving what they want to achieve."

"Lisa is a great facilitator and fantastic coach. She is great at finding 'blind spot' problems that you weren't aware of and she coaches you in how to fix them."

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• Bolder and more courageous
• Able to engage and empower staff and stakeholders
• Better equipped to face challenges and seize opportunities
• Ultimately more successful

Within a safe and supportive relationship, I challenge leaders, teams and organisations to increase their performance, engagement and well-being.

My work results in leaders who are:

People often see change as a big, disruptive force, but it is more often the small but important changes, repeated frequently, that are real game changers. Together we will identify those refinements, and through committed action and accountability you will achieve your goals.

"Small steps change the dance."

Get in Touch

Do you want to reach your leadership potential?